Beyond Good And Evil 2 Walkthrough

Beyond Good And Evil 2 Walkthrough Rating: 5,0/5 8268 reviews

For Beyond Good & Evil on the PC, GameFAQs has 15 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs), 2 cheat codes and secrets, 10 reviews, 24 critic reviews, and 45 user screenshots.


OK, let's get down to how to really play this game. Even though Jade-Shauni-Photowoman can save almost anywhere where there are save points (disc readers) you really don't need to save your progress unless you are going to quit the game, about to foolishly expend a lot of money/resources/items, or about to reach a point of the game where once you proceed past it, you cannot return to previous areas.

The game has a very generous checkpoint system where once Jade-Shauni-Photowoman dies, she gets dropped off the last 'invisible' checkpoint with slightly reduced life, along with all the items, money, etc. that she had when she reached the checkpoint. Since fighting most of the enemies in the game is akin to slaughtering small animals with a high-capacity General Electric minigun, this makes the game obscenely easy to pass except for some of the puzzles and some boss fights that are just plain cheap and/or nasty.

So this said, you will not be healing Jade-Shauni-Photowoman at all in the course of the game, and instead, rely on checkpoints and your own smart butt to clear rooms. Saving and healing will be highlighted when it is absolutely, positively necessary to the advancement of the game. Generally, if you explore thoroughly before moving on to the next main objective, you should amass a crap-load of crap to use against the invading Dom-Z.

Basic Motions

Movement - Movement is covered by the left joystick. Can't get any simpler than that. Some motions, such as ledge-mantling, wall-sidling, and item rotation is done by this stick when certain environments are provided.

Run - Holding down this key bind allows Jade-Shauni-Photowoman to sprint. This is noisier than simply jog-walking, so use it when stealth is not needed (which is basically all the time while exploring rooms with no enemies handing out alien enemas).

Duck - Holding down this key bind makes Jade-Shauni-Photowoman duck. She may move while crouching, and is more quiet than jog-walking. Use it when you do not need to die by alerting guards. Always crouch walk if you need to move stealthily.

Shoot-Dodge - Pressing this key bind will cause Jade-Shauni-Photowoman to shoot-dodge (not really, since she has no gun) and serves to operate certain functions on the hovercraft and spaceship. Shoot-dodge can occur when fighting or not fighting. Shoot-dodge is easily one of the most underused moves (except at the last boss) since all these terrifying aliens will be brutally cut down with almost no effort by the lightsaber-toothpick.

Context Action & Attack - This key bind will be the most used button in lieu of the camera and run functions. When not in combat, the key bind will inspect or operate things (context action). While in combat, it will simply swing the lightsaber-toothpick. Many things can be done by context action, so move Jade-Shauni-Photowoman up to an object, and if something can be done, the action will appear over the context action key. Keys and items that unlock doors and forcefields are automatically used when context action is pressed, and do not need specific item use to be utilised.

Use Item - This key bind lets Jade-Shauni-Photowoman use what ever item is selected in her item window. Use caution to avoid this key unless you have a 'dead' item that has no function, or have a lot of that expendable item, or pressing this key will cause you to blow your brains out in frustration with a nickel plated hunting revolver firing .454 Casull hollow point soft core jacketed rounds (that or reload th game, which ever comes first).

Select Item - The D-pad will select the currently available items available for Jade-Shauni-Photowoman or vehicle.

Camera - Camera adjustments are made by the right joystick. The camera can be moved independently of Jade-Shauni-Photowoman or the hovercraft while they are moving.

Jade-Shauni-Photowoman's Camera - Press the first person look (FPL) key bind to toggle Jade-Shauni-Photowoman's camera (she gets it 30 seconds into the game). This is the primary tool of the whole game since when pictures are taken and lots of money exchanges hands. During this first person camera mode, Jade-Shauni-Photowoman uses the left joystick to move the view, and the right stick to zoom in and out. No movement is possible during this time, and until the gyrodisc launcher is earned (item use while in camera mode), she is defenceless as well.

Partner Action/Attack - Jade-Shauni-Photowoman's current 'travelling companion' slash 'punching bag' will be able to perform limited actions with this key bind. All travelling companions will auto-defend themselves from enemies, but each has an assist attack that allows Jade-Shauni-Photowoman to bat away affected enemies using her lightsaber-toothpick. During slo-mo 'Matrix style' combat, aim the green reticle over the direction you want to send the 'baseball'. Batted enemies are used to knockdown certain objects, and get displaced very far from where Jade-Shauni-Photowoman did the attack. This attack basically turns any enemy into a missile.

Fight Mode Vs. Non-Fight Mode

Jade-Shauni-Photowoman will automatically swtich to fight mode when a threat appears (at all other times, she will do passive exploration). When enemies or destructable objects are nearby, fight mode is initiated, and Jade-Shauni-Photowoman cannot open doors, locks, or pick up items during this time. Instead, pressing context action will cause her to attack with her trusty lightsaber-toothpick.

Holding attack and depressing the left joystick off center will cause her to attack in that direction. Holding attack while leaving the left joystick neutral will cause Jade-Shauni-Photowoman to charge her lightsaber-toothpick to unleash a 360 degeree attack. This special attack takes time to charge (unlike Link, who can pull it off almost instantly in Ocarina of Time) and if hit during this charge up time, she will be injured and the charge attack needs to be reinitiated.

Hard Driving & Vehicular Controls

The hovercraft will be available almost from the beginning when Jade-Shauni-Photowoman starts her photowoman career. Although it is a serviceable craft, the hovercraft will be played slightly differently from Jade-Shauni-Photowoman, and you should be aware that the hovercraft is more like an F-Zero racer than a real hovercraft.

Movement - Use the left stick to move the hovercraft in propeller (i.e., cruising mode).

Jet Mode (Hop) - Using jets, or 'hopping', can be done by pressing the Shoot-Dodge key bind after certain equipment is earned and installed on the hovercraft. This allows the hovercraft to make small jumps over obstacles too steep for it to climb or explosive dangers like low dipping sea-mines. When the spaceship is earned, this button lets the hovercraft mount and dismount the spaceship for full flight movement.

Flaming Jet Mode (Dash, Sprint, Speed-racer mode, Engage!) - This is done by pressing the run key bind to make this little ship boost ahead using its jet engines; available after certain equipment is earned and installed on the hovercraft. This is the mode you want most to get from one place to another, and during the race and looters' cavern challenges.

Fire Gun - Press context action to fire the gun. When inside certain areas, or near a stable docking area, the hovercraft will attempt to park and let the crew out to explore instead of firing. When the Neutralising Cannon is equipped on the ship, hold context action to charge-lock the gun on available targets (up to three) before letting go to fire the homing shots.

Compass View - Press the compass key bind to switch to nav-view where important locations are pipped on the compass dial. This first person look is different from camera view (also available on the hovercraft), but lets the hovercraft move when the left stick is pressed in a direction.

Taking Good Pictures

The goal of the game is tacking pictures. Jade-Shauni-Photowoman will have the camera and several photo-assignments almost at once. The camera is very simple to operate, since it is gyrostablised, the user does not need a tripod for steady shots. However, the effective size of the lens is small at first and without a zoom lens, Jade-Shauni-Photowoman cannot get close to a lot of the sights on Hillys without being hurt before the snap can be taken (and get damaged in the process). To succeed, Jade-Shauni-Photowoman must use the ongoing assignment of the Science Institute to catalog eight native lifeforms on Hillys to earn the zoom lens before finishing her assignment.

For the best pictures, get into a spot where the snap can be taken without exposing Jade-Shauni-Photowoman to danger. Additionally, be in a place where the subject is exposed for a maximum amount of time. Finally, use the zoom to get a fix on the best frame. When a red bar appears under the subject's target reticle, zoom in (or out) until the red bar turns green. Snap the pciture and things get interesting from there on out.

How To Stealth Kill Chlorine Breathing Aliens

Jade-Shauni-Photowoman can stealth kill by pushing the context action button when undetected and behind certain guards. Although Jade-Shauni-Photowoman can kill most enemies by attacking them repeatedly, Alpha Section guards are more durable than most and should be stealth killed when possible (even if a certain part allows you to bypass them, if the opportunity to kill them presents itself, do so to earn some side cash and to explore the area freely). Jade-Shauni-Photowoman can stealth kill up close or set-up a stealth kill with the gyro-disc lanucher later.

As long as Jade-Shauni-Photowoman does not alert the guards, she can stealth kill most of them. Even alerting them is not a severe problem - most early areas have escape areas where Jade-Shauni-Photowoman can hide until the alert (Zone Clearing Authorisation) is called off. Once that is done, the guards return to their original positions (the Metal Gear Solid, 'Everything back to normal' syndrome) where Jade-Shauni-Photowoman can attempt to make stealth kills over and over again. In fact, in many areas Jade-Shauni-Photowoman can stealth kill one or two guards, flee and stealth kill the remaining enemies once the alert is called off. This does not always apply, but it is always an option.


Q: Where can I find .. pearsl/animals?
A: Pearls are located using the Pearl Detector. Most of the time, they are qite obvious. The many optional pearls are mentioned in the guide - you can probably find them very easily yourself. If you have trouble, buy Ming Tzu's pearl detector. Animals are another matter since they appear in several locations. The hard to find (and rarest ones) are mentioned along the way in the guide (many are in places you can't go back into) and some are just hard to find. The animal detector goes a long way in locating previously un-photgraphed species.

Q: How do I .. do this? Or that?
A: Jade-Shauni-Photowoman has a wide range of context actions she can take for various objects and puzzles. For upturned bridges, have the partner pop up exploding fungus for Jade to bat into; for long crevasses or narrow ledges, move Jade ahead to lay down the path for the partner; for unreachable switches, use the gyrodisc; for red passcode doors, snap shot them (sometimes more 'mission photos' are needed before a passcode can be given); for fuses and electrical devices, use the gyrodisc to cut down wires, move conductive objects (or push them yourself), or kick fuse boxes to temporarily do a brown out so the fuse can be grabbed. Lasers are easily avoided using shoot-dodge or by crouching. The soldier's anti-laser armour can have him do actions that require working in a laser field. A partner can also help in fighting and in solving other puzzles by simply being in another spot to operate machinery.

Q: How can I photgraph certain animals?
A: Most of the time, animals simply need to be in focus using the zoom lens and some creative positioning. Being too far is common, but being too near is also a problem. 99% of the animals are simply a matter of getting into range. Once that is done, fiddle the zoom until the bar turns green and take the picture. Some animals (one that comes to mind is #52) may require some ingenious thinking to get them to appear. Time of day affects some animals (and making the place dark for #23) so be sure to check the animal list for our clues.

Q: How can I beat the Looters' Caverns?
A: Make sure you have a lot of boost (you can wait until you have the spaceship to beat these races) and have some money to burn. Each looters' cavern costs 100 cees to participate. Since there's no disc readers near any looters' cave, you need to be cool and collected or you start losing cees for no reason (apart from sucking). Second, if you didn't set off the yellow spark, race slow. There's no time limit to reach the next door until the yellow spark is activated. Boost only on straights and slow down slightly for turns. Always take ramps to avoid hazards, and the jumping kit is necessary for the last two caverns. Find looters' caverns by exploring the Hillys map - where there's a break in the boundaries of a map, there's a cave.

Q: How do I beat the races?
A: The normal races are free, so try them over and over until you win. The sprint is held almost all the time, and shooting is allowed (it doesn't really do much). Always look for zip tiles and alternate paths the AI isn't taking for shortcuts and other tricks you can do. Boosting is waste in races (save them for the looters' caverns) and you can almost be certain that if you race well, the hovercraft will crawl up to first place by the middle or end of the third lap, no matter how fast the competition is.

Q: Can't seem to beat the anteater (Francis' pearl game). Help me.
A: Unless you're willing to fly to IGN's offices and have a memory card ready for someone to play the game for you, you'll have to beat Francis yourself. The key is that three of the pucks are already lined up to go into the hole. Aim the first three pucks directly into the hole and you'll not only be way ahead of the game, but you'll have some breathing room for moving the fourth puck into the hole (usually with two moves). When losing, simply aim the pucks at the hole directly (or wait briefly for an opening). Never aim anywhere else other than the hole. Unless another puck is stopped in front of the hole and you're hitting the hole from the side, then try to ricochet the intruding puck into the hole with the one you're shooting. If you start off well, there's no way Francis can beat you.

Q: How do I beat this .. boss/creature/et al.? The legend of korra characters.
A: Read the guide. These bosses are not hard (and do not need any food interference, except maybe the last guy).

Q: Can I get a dead game (any platform & PC)
A: Yes, if you do not have enough healing items when you take the final photograph in the Death Crypt on the moon. Stagger your saves and keep one save 'untouched' before trying to solve the light beam prison puzzle to be safe.

Q: Will there be a Beyond Good & Evil 2?
A: You may wonder after this great game. But guide writers stick with the the facts, and the facts are at IGN. Stick to our news net and make your homepage for the latest in gaming news - sequels or otherwise.

Q: How do I open the final item chest in the Akuda Bar near Francis the hustler?
A: Go to and enter the 'Internet code' for a game you are about to load (note that each Internet Code is different for each game and for each file!). Enter that code precisely as it appears (capitals and lower-case matters) and you will have to play a word guessing game to get your unique item chest passcode. Note: you should try to get all the pearls and animals first and earn the rhino's marble game before you attempt to unlock the 'mystery disc' or you may trigger a glitch and never receive that mini-game!