Black Hole Movie

Black Hole Movie Rating: 4,6/5 7905 reviews

The possibilities are mind-boggling. One of them, much favored by science-fiction writers, is that black holes are tunnels in space, and that if we fell into one we might emerge (a bit scorched, perhaps) from a 'white hole' some. where else in the universe. Because black holes are 'singularities' that do not correspond to models of the universe constructed by Einstein or anybody else, they've also inspired wonderfully apocalyptic notions. My favorite is that they're intergalactic bathtub drains, and that we'll all whirl down them some day and turn up in the sewer system of the universe next door.

That would be preferable to what happens in Disney's 'The Black Hole,' which takes us all the way to the rim of space only to bog us down in a talky melodrama whipped up out of mad scientists and haunted houses. A space mission to a black hole finds that another ship has arrived earlier: The Cygnus, which disappeared 20 years earlier. The explorers go on board and discover that the entire crew of the Cygnus has disappeared, except for a Dr. Reinhardt (Maximilian Schell), who explains that he's about to try a daring plunge into the hole. The visitors are not enchanted. But one of them (Anthony Perkins) gets caught up in Reinhart's mad vision, and a journalist (Ernest Borgnine) wanders about the gigantic Cygnus and discovers a great deal more than meets the eye. And then Reinhardt turns mean.

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Dec 13, 2019  “A journey that begins where everything ends” That was the tagline on the poster for The Black Hole, Disney’s $20 million sci-fi gamble in the post-Star Wars game, essentially spelling. The Black Hole by Alan Dean Foster was a science fiction novel for me. I mean that it was predictable for me because it involved things like space ships, robots, lots of technology that the author must explain to the reader, and a large chunk of the story being devoted completely to these and other complex explanations.

'The Black Hole,' meanwhile, revolves in outer space and is glimpsed from time to time through portholes. Physics is not my best subject, but I somehow doubt that we could see a black hole actually revolving, and my objection comes in two parts: I don't think we could see the hole at all, and it would certainly not be revolving at the approximate rate of a ferris wheel.

No matter. The movie stays mostly inside the Cygnus, which resembles the spaceships in 'Alien' and 'Star Trek' in one key feature: Although the cost of launching and maintaining a space vehicle is incredibly expensive and every square foot counts, the Cygnus is as spacious as a country manor, with long hallways, high ceilings and vast command decks.

The Black Hole is a 1979 science fiction film released from Walt Disney Productions and directed by Gary Nelson.

Dr. Hans Reinhardt[edit]

  • The word 'impossible,' Mr. Booth, is only found in the dictionary of fools.
  • Some cause must have created all this, but what caused that cause?
  • In, through.. and beyond.

Kate McCrae[edit]

  • If there's any justice at all, the black hole will be your grave!


  • These poor creatures are what's left of the crew..kept alive by means I don't pretend to understand.


  • A wolf remains a wolf, even if it has not eaten your sheep
  • A pint cannot hold a quart, Mr. Pizer. If it holds, the pint is doing the best it can.
  • I don't mean to sound superior, but I hate the company of robots.
  • To quote Cicero: rashness is the characteristic of youth, prudence that of mellowed age, and discretion the better part of valor.
  • All sunshine makes a desert, so the Arabs say.


Hans Reinhardt: Tonight, my friends, we stand on the brink of a feat unparalleled in space exploration. If the data on my returning probe ship matches my computerized calculations, I will travel where no man has dared to go.
Alex Durant: Into the black hole?
Reinhardt: In.. through.. and beyond.
Harry Booth: [surprised] Why, that's crazy! [laughs] Impossible!
Reinhardt: The word 'impossible', Mr. Booth, is only found in a dictionary of fools.
Dan Holland: Kate, try to get through to V.I.N.C.E.N.T with your E.S.P.
Kate McCrae: I got through to V.I.N.C.E.N.T! He said there are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are very few old, bold pilots!
Lieutenant Charles Pizer: She's tuned into V.I.N.C.E.N.T all right!
Dan Holland: Good.
B.O.B.: The officer the men trusted most was Frank McCrae.
Charlie Pizer: Kate's father.
B.O.B.: They turned to him when Dr. Reinhardt ignored the orders to return home. They tried to take control of the Cygnus. Reinhardt called it mutiny and killed Mr. McCrae.
Dan Holland: What became of the crew?
B.O.B.: They were captured by the sentry robots and they're still on board.
Harry Booth: What?!
Pizer: Where?
B.O.B.: In the command tower, the power center.
V.I.N.CENT.: Robots, Mr. Pizer! Humanoid robots!
B.O.B.: The most valuable thing in the universe, intelligent life, means nothing to Dr. Reinhardt. Without their wills, the crew became things he can command.
Holland: That explains the funeral.
Pizer: Right.
Holland: [to Harry Booth] And the limping robot you spotted.
Booth: [to B.O.B.] Do you mean to tell me that there's actually a human body under that clothing?
B.O.B.: Exactly, Mr. Booth.
Holland: We can't just take off and leave these poor devils behind. Harry, it looks like we're gonna have to try your plan.
Booth: What?! And end up just like the rest of the crew?! Well, if they couldn't pull it off, what chance do we have?
B.O.B.: [to Dan Holland] Captain, the damage is irreversible. Death is their only release.
Booth: That's right! For God's sakes, Dan, we can't take on that mechanical army!
V.I.N.CENT.: Captain, I was forced to destroy two sentry robots. The others are searching now. If they're found..!
Holland: Gotcha, V.I.N.CENT. [to Charlie Pizer] Charlie, start the countdown.
Pizer: Right!
Holland: V.I.N.CENT., tell Kate I want her and Alex back here on the double!
V.I.N.CENT: [beep] 2130; day 547. Unscheduled course correction due at 2200. Pre-correction check: rotation axis plus three degrees. Nitrous oxide pressure: 4100 rising to 5,000. Quad jet C and D on preselect. Rotor ignition sequence beginning in 3-0. Thruster line reactors on standby.
Dan Holland: V.I.N.CENT, notify me with 15 to go. Alex?
Durant: Yes, Dan?
Dan Holland: Have you determined a difference in ETAs with and without our correction?
Durant: Working on it. You know, we shouldn't be needing a correction at this time. V.I.N.CENT, run a confirmation on the last inertial fix and check it with another celestial, please.
V.I.N.CENT: [beep] I have. It is correct. But I think I've found the reason for our present variation. Mr. Pizer?
Lieutenant Charles Pizer: Yes, V.I.N.CENT?
V.I.N.CENT: [beep] Mr. Pizer, I think you should come up here.
Dan Holland: It's only dinner.
V.I.N.CENT: Said the spider to the fly.
Harry Booth: If Reinhart has anti-gravity strong enough to hold us here, I figure he's got enough to pull away.
Lieutenant Charles Pizer: So?
Harry Booth: So? So why not take this ship and Reinhart back home?
Dan Holland: That's a long shot you're talking, Harry.
Harry Booth: Oh, come on! You've got two scientific wizards here who could figure out the computers and possibly even reprogram the robots. And the three of us can handle Reinhart and that pet monster of his. I tell ya.. we could all be heroes.
Dan Holland: We could also be dead.
Lieutenant Charles Pizer: Every time I see one of those things I expect to spot some guy dressed in red with horns and a pitchfork.
Dan Holland: It's a monster, all right.
V.I.N.CENT: A rip in the very fabric of space and time.
Lieutenant Charles Pizer: We'd be better off without you and Maximilian trying to knock heads.
V.I.N.CENT: I can handle that thing.
Lieutenant Charles Pizer: Well, far be it from you to admit there isn't anything you can't handle.
V.I.N.CENT: There are three basic types, Mr. Pizer: the Wills, the Won'ts, and the Can'ts. The Wills accomplish everything, the Won'ts oppose everything, and the Can'ts won't try anything.
Dan Holland: Well, do us all a favor, V.I.N.CENT, and try to be a Can't, especially where that monster is concerned. We need you, not another corkscrew.
Dr. Alex Durant: You will be remembered as one of the biggest space scientists of all time.
Dr. Hans Reinhardt: I've never doubted that. It's about time that people learn about their failures and my successes.


  • Maximillian Schell - Dr. Hans Reinhardt
  • Anthony Perkins - Dr. Alex Durant
  • Robert Forster - Captain Don Holland
  • Joseph Bottoms - Lieutenant Charlie Pizer
  • Yvette Mimieux - Dr. Kate McCrae
  • Ernest Borgnine - Harry Booth
  • Tom McLoughlin - Captain S.T.A.R. ('Special Troops/Arms Regiment').
  • Roddy McDowall - Voice of V.I.N.CENT (uncredited)
  • Slim Pickens - Voice of Old B.O.B. (uncredited)

External links[edit]

Wikipedia has an article about:
  • The Black Hole quotes at the Internet Movie Database
  • The Black Hole at Rotten Tomatoes
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