Secret Files Tunguska Game

Secret Files Tunguska Game Rating: 5,0/5 8874 reviews
Nintendo Switch

Download links for Secret Files Tunguska PC game. Secret Files Tunguska Download. PC Game Secret Files Tunguska ENG Sub ITA TNT Village 2048 MB Download. Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis. Mystery Case Files: Huntsville. Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects. Popular Games. Bullet Force. Governor of Poker 3. Secret Files: Tunguska (German: Geheimakte Tunguska) is a 2006 graphic adventure game developed by German studios Fusionsphere Systems and Animation Arts and published by Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo DS, Wii, iOS, Android and Wii U.GameplayThe game is viewed from a third person.

The award-winning point and click adventure debuts on Nintendo Switch™, localized into seven different languages!

When Vladimir Kalenkow, a high-ranking scientist looking into the unexplained Tunguska catastrophe from 1908, goes missing, his daughter Nina and his assistant Max are drawn into a conspiracy of epic proportions. Chased across the globe by the Russian intelligence apparatus and a zealous secret society, the two adventurers solve mysteries in Germany, Russia, Cuba, China and even Antarctica. But the more light they shed on the truth, the more they put themselves in danger!
Help Nina and Max, the adventurous protagonists of Secret Files Tunguska, to solve a variety of challenging quests and elaborate riddles as the title’s fascinating plot leads you to the most remote corners of the Earth. Travel to exotic locations, explore rich sceneries, engage with interesting characters and collect useful information. Unravel a mystery that remained unsolved for more than a hundred years!
• An interactive mystery thriller
• 12+ hours of suspense-laden playing time
• 2 playable main characters
• Dozens of NPCs with individual background stories
• Lots of demanding quests, riddles and puzzles
• More than a hundred exciting locations
• High-quality graphics with amazing attention to detail
• Full voice acting by popular dubbing actors
• Fully localized into German, English, Russian, Polish, French, Spanish and Italian

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1 player
Koch Media
Supported Languages:
French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, English
Supported Play Modes:

TV mode

Tabletop mode

Handheld mode

ESRB Rating:
Blood, Language, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Violence

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© and published 2018 by Deep Silver, a division of Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver, Secret Files Tunguska and its respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. Developed by Animation Arts Creative GmbH. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.© 2018 Nintendo.

Secret Files: Tunguska

© September 2006 Bert Jamin (
This walkthrough may not be sold and may not be used for any commercialpurposes. Neither is it permitted to publish this walkthrough in any way withoutthe written permission of the author Bert Jamin ( free to place this walkthrough on your web site or on your home page, oncondition that no part of this walkthrough is changed and that the name of theauthor (Bert Jamin), the URL of the owner of this site ( his E-mail address ( mentioned unchanged. For the most up to date walkthroughs always visit you have any suggestions to improve this walkthrough, let me know by sendingme an email:


As soon as you enter your dad'sroom, you'll notice that an entry is made in your diary. No need to say that youhave to read each and every new entry in your diary whenever such a new entry ismade. You can read your diary by clicking on the diary icon at the bottom rightat the screen. So read your diary!

Examine the desk with the blinkingmonitor. Examine the map on the wall. Examine the files cabinet at your right side. Walk towards the coinshow case next to the window. Examine the showcase. Look at the emptycompartment to find out that one coin seems to be missing. Try to take one ofthe coins. Read the note at theright side of the show case. Zoom out.

Examine the radiator beneath thewindow. Try to open the radiator's vent at the right side on top of theradiator. Examine the certificate above the sofa. Examine the picture next to thecertificate. Examine the photo on the floor in front of theradiator. Pick up the photo. Close the diary by clicking on the little cross right on top.

Take the white porcelain bowl fromthe table. Examine the porcelain bowl to find out that the inside is somewhatporous. Walk around the table. Use the telephone to call the police. helpful as always! Take the piece of rock from the cloth next to thetelephone. Examine the rock to find out that something is embedded in the stone.It has a red-violet glow.

Examine the machine at your back.Walk towards the machine and take the flask from the machine. Put the piece ofrock in the flask. Examine the flask with stone. Open the door to go to the hall. Try to open the door atthe left side. Read the nameplate at the right side of the door. It says thename Max Gruber. Examine the plant. Take a piece of the plant. Put it in your porcelain bowl.

Enter your dad's office once more.Walk towards the radiator beneath the window. Use the porcelain bowl with theradiator vent to fill it with water. Go back to the hall. Read the notes on thebulletin board. Try to open the fuse box next to the bulletin board. Walkthrough the door at the right side of the hall.

Read the list that is hanging onthe wall next to the brochure stand. Read the escape plan that is hanging on thewall. Zoom out. Look at the Tyrannosaurus. Walk to the rear area.Examine the statue. Open the secret door at the base of the statue. When Eddyhas gone, pick up the key from the hidden room. Examine the diagram on the rightwall. Examine the Triceratops. Exit this part of the museum. Walk up the stairs.

Open the fuse box with the key youjust found. Use the fuses to turn down the music in Max Gruber's room. Ask Maxabout everything you can. Enter your dad's office one more time. Ask thedetective about everything you can. Hmmm.. strange detective! When Max hasgone, examine the two statues next to the stairs of the museum. Notice the words'Both of them are watching over the museum's entrance'. Pick up one oftheyellow glass shards from the ground at the right side of the stairs of themuseum. Examine the exhibition banner above the entrance of the museum. Grab your motorcycle to drive to your dad's apartment. Not only someonehas broken in to your dad's apartment but you also happen to run into someone'sfist!

After coming to your senses nextmorning your head feels like to explode. Examine the files at the left side ofthe door. Pick up the portable cassette player from the floor at the left sideof the opened closet. Open the cassette player to get yourself some batteries.Examine the opened closet. Examine the fish tank. Not only some fishes areswimming around but also a key! There is a grate on top of the aquarium. Alas itis too small to get your hands through.

Take the red-brown book from thedrawer on the bed. Open the book in your inventory. It seems to be some kind ofbook casket. Examine the bed. Examine the desk with the computer. Take the pieceof pizza from the plate. Take the salt shaker. Take the pencil from the desk. Examine the cassette taperecorder. Read the notes attached to the wall. Use the keyboard to see that thecomputer is password protected. You don't know the password yet, so zoom out.Exit the apartment.

Walk towards the rusty bike in thealley. Take the air pump from the bike. Examine the rusty bucket beneath therain pipe. It is filled with water. Take the handle from the bucket. Search thegarbage bin to find a rubber glove and an old bicycle spoke. Examine the brokenlattice beneath the window. Walk towards the garage. Search the wooden cratenext to the Wartburg to find double-sided tape and a tube of glue. Examine thecigarette butts next to the sewer grate. Unlock the motorcycle seat with your keyring. Open the seat to get your cell phone and your sunglasses. Combine theyellow shard with the sunglasses.

Grab your motorcycle and drive tothe museum. Talk to the sleeping girl on the bench. Talk to her abouteverything you can. When the conversation is over, take the flat tube from theback wheel of the bicycle. Grab your motorcycle and drive back tot dad'sapartment. Pump some air in the flat tube with the air pump. Put it in therusty bucket beneath the rain pipe. Combine the glue with the rubber glove.Combine the sticky rubber glove with the tube. Drive back to the museum.

Put the patched tube in the backwheel of the bike. Talk to the girl on the bench once more. Tell her about the bike. When theconversation is over, combine the batteries with the camera. Close your diary.Give the camera to the girl. She gives you a little magnet in return. Drive backto your dad's apartment. Enter the apartment.

Use the magnet with the fish tankto get the key that is swimming around. Open the book casket with the littlekey. Examine the yellow note. Read your dad's address book. Examine the leftbottom carpet edge. Look what's beneath the edge. Notice the small gap in thefloor. Use the spoke to get a cassette from the gap. Walk towards the desk withthe computer. Examine the desk and put the cassette in the cassette taperecorder. Use the recorder to here dad's message. It seems to be a secret code.This must be a reminder for the computer's password.

The first and last of the car canonly mean the first and the last number of the license plate of the old Wartburgyou have seen in the garage. But what the hack could he mean with a fourth ofthe openings to the underworld? And what to think about the guardians to mywork!? Zoom out and exit the room. Notice that the first and the last number onthe car's license plate are 2 and 3. Now remember the cigarette butts next tothe sewer grate! Could this sewer grate be the entrance to the underworld???Well.. let's give it a try! Count the holes around the sewer grate to find outthat there are 16 of them. A fourth of them is..4. So the first three numbersof the password could be 2, 3 and 4.

Now we only have to find out what good olddad meant with 'the guardians of my work'! Now remember the two statues next tothe stairs of the museum which happens to be dad's work right? Also remember thewords 'Both of them are watching over the museum's entrance' you heardwhen you examined the two statues. So the completepassword could be 2, 3, 4 and 2!

Let's go inside the apartment tofind out if we really have been that clever! Walk towards the desk with thecomputer. Use the keyboard and click on 2, 3, 4 and 2.. BINGO!!! Study themonitor. One of the things you'll read is an email of a guy called Oleg. Studyyour dad's address book once more to find out this guy's address. Zoom out and exit theapartment. Grab your motorcycle and drive to Oleg's house.

Pick up the empty blue plasticbag. Examine the telephone booth. Attach the handle to the plastic bag. Walk down the path at the left sideof the house. Take the broomstick that is standing against the wall. Examine thegarden hose at the other end of the garden. Peek through the window slit. Lookat the feeding dish that is standing on the floor of the kitchen. Zoom out

Walk back to the street.Walk towards the front door of Oleg's house. Examine the cat flap. Ring the doorbell. Hey.. misterNice Guy! Put the pizza onto the feeding dish next to the door. Walk back to thegarden of the house. Peek through the window slit once more. Look at Oleg. Zoomout and walk back to the street. Attach the double-sided tape to the cell phone.Attach the broomstick to the reinforced plastic bag. Walk towards the frontdoor. Attach the very sticky cell phone to the cat. Add some salt to the pizzaon the feeding dish. And off it goes to drink lots and lots of water! Whilepeeking through the window slit once more look at the cat and look at Oleg.

Zoom out and head back to thestreet. Enter the yellow phone boot to dial the number of your cell phone. Let'sfind out how the cat reacts to the vibrations of your cell phone! Use thebrailer to retrieve your cell phone that is stuck up on the right most branch of thetree. Grab your motorcycle and drive to the museum.

Enter the museum. Go up thestairs. Knock on Max' door. Ask him about everything you can. Open the fridgenext to the door. Examine the totem next to the fridge. Use the spoke on thetotem. Throw the cement bag in the porcelain bowl with water. Put the diadem in the puttyin porcelain bowl. Put the red glass bead in the diadem. Put the green shardin the diadem. Put the acid bottle in the flask with stone. Put the amethyst inthe diadem. Examine the diadem. Exit the room.

Go to the hall at the right side.Look at the escape plan on the wall once more. Zoom out. Walk to the oppositewall. Place the diadem over the lamp. Study the escape plan once more. Zoomout. Talk to Max and ask him about everything you can.

When you are back in his room,examine the relief disk. Take the coin from the disk. Zoom out. If you like youcan examine the three vases, the shield and the mask in the room. Exit the room.Enter daddy's office. Walk to the left. Remember you have seen the coin showcase at the left side of the office. Walk to the coin showcase. Examine it andput the coin in the empty compartment. Read the note at the right side. You haveto re-order the coins so that there are no same coins in a row. I know thatthere are many ways to solve this puzzle. I give you one of the many solutions.Please don't email me to tell me that you found another solution!

Label the compartments as this..

Move B1 to A1, C2 to A3, D4 to A4.
Move D1 to B1, C4 to B2, C2 to B3.
Move D1 to C1, D3 to C3, D3 to C4.

Moscow, Military train station

Examine the Volkswagen. Search thepile of rubble behind the Volkswagen to find a nut and an unidentifiable thing.Search the bag of the sewer worker to get his bread box. Examine the bread boxto get bread and butter and a rubber band. Attach the rubberband to the unidentifiable thing. Attach the nut to the slingshot. Read the redadvertisement on the wall. Pick up the bricks from the pavement. Talk to thesewer worker. Ask him about everything you can.

Place the bricks under the rearaxle of the Volkswagen. Try to pick up the car jack. Use the bread and butter onthe rusty car jack. Take the car jack. Talk to the sewer worker once more. Go tothe side entrance to the station.

Talk to sergeant Yushin. Ask himabout everything you can. Examine his newspaper. Examine the cigarette butts onthe ground. Pick up a pebble from the ground near the Russian stop sign. Talk tothe sergeant once more. Ask him about the cigarette. Use the loaded slingshot toshoot the lamp above the sergeant. Pick up the newspaper he dropped. Read thenewspaper. Use the pencil on the newspaper to modify the lottery number.

Head back to the sewer worker.Give him the newspaper. Take the barrier. Pick up the hose. Climb down thecanal. Pick up the box of matches from the ground. Examine the garbage heap.Examine the sewage. Examine the pipe next to the door. Try to open the door. Use the car jack to prythe door open. Enter the opened door.

Examine the barrels. Examine thedistributor. Examine the red painted base plate. Examine the ascent. Try to fixthe ascent with the iron bars. Head back to sergeant Yushin. Talk to him oncemore. Give him the iron bars. Head back to the ascent in the sewer room. Attachthe bent iron bars to the ascent. Go up the ascent.

Examine the no smoking sign. Lookthrough the opening beneath the first toilet door. Click on one of his legs totalk to the train driver. Ask him about everything you can. Zoom out. Walkaround the corner to enter the locker room. Try to steal some coins from thedish. Use your box of matches to light a cigarette. Put the smoking cigarette onthe dish.

Try to operate the vendingmachine. Examine the samovar. Examine the no smoking sign next to the door. Open the rightlocker. Search the locker. Examine the two photo's on the inside of the lockerdoor. Take the uniform, the envelope, the radio and the stocking. Examine thetwo photo's inside the locker. Zoom out. Examine the envelope. Examine the radioto find out it's number. Examine the stocking. Try to open the left locker.

Walk to the passage to the right to head back to the toilet room. Go down the canal. Examine thedistributor. Walk to the right to exit the sewer room. Attach the stocking tothe pipe next to the door. Use to barrier tape to tighten up the stocking. Goback inside the sewer room. Climb up the ascent.

Attach the hose to the faucet.Pick up the hose and place it in the urinal at the left side of the floor. Turnon the faucet. Go down the canal. Open the valve on the pipe at the right sideof the distributor. When the trick is done, walk to the right to exit the sewerroom. Take the stocking from the pipe. Examine the stocking.

Enter the sewer room and climb upthe ascent once more. Turn off the faucet. Look through the opening beneath thefirst toilet door one more time. Give the stocking to the train driver. Zoomout. Go around the corner to re-enter the locker room. Open the door to gooutside. Talk to the two men in black guarding another door.

Walk towards the soldier in frontof the train. Talk to the soldier and ask him about everything you can. Examinethe tank at the back side of the train. Head back all the way to sergeant Yushin.Talk to him and ask him about the FSB agents. Walk to the left to exit. Go downthe canal. Use your radio on yourself for some action. This is number 15,calling number 48. Talk to the central about the two FSB agents.

Enter the sewer room and go up theascent. Look through the opening beneath thefirst toilet door one more time and talk to the train driver once more. Enter the locker room and open the door to go outside. Notice that thetwo men in black are gone. Enter the room they have been guarding. Search poorSolotov to get his dog tags. Examine his dog tags. Examine the ashtray on the table. Examine thebattery. Examine the stretcher. Exit the room.

Re-enter the locker room. Try toopen the left locker. Punch in the code of Solotov's dog tags, 31545.Search the opened locker. Examine the permit. Open the door to go outside. Walktowards the soldier in front of the train. Show him your permit to enter thetrain.

Russia, Train

Try to take one of the rifles.Take the dried fruit from the table. Take the bottle of orange juice. Try tosearch the soldier. Take the light bulb from above the soldier. Examine the mapon the wall. Enter the kitchen door to the left. Examine the box of eggs. Takethe jar of honey. Examine the green schedule and the white menu on the rightwall. Exit the kitchen. Enter the door to your left to enter theworking wagon.

Talk to the assistant. Take two slices of white bread from the basket on the desk.Try to take a third slice of bread. Read the notes on the blackboard. Try to talk to the scientist. Try to operate the incinerator. Open the door at the back of the wagon.Take the 100 watt bulb next to the closed door. Press the button of the intercomnext to the door. Walk back to the wagon with the sleeping soldier. Place the100 watt bulb in the socket above the soldier. Press the light switch next tothe kitchen door. Exit the kitchen.

Search the soldier's bag to get abottle of castor oil. Searchthe bag once more. Enterthe kitchen once more. Put the dried fruit in the pot on the little oven. Addthe bottle of orange juice to the pot, the honey, the castor oil and the sliceof bread. Exit the kitchen. Re-enter the working wagon. Give the white breadwith laxative jam to the scientist. Talk to him and ask him about everything youcan. I don't know why.. but suddenly he takes off in a hurry ;o)

Go back into the kitchen. Fill theempty bottle with water from the faucet. Go back into the working wagon. Talk tothe assistant once more and ask him about everything you can. Use the bottle ofwater on the power outlet on the floor. Take a glass with the green stuff fromthe floor beneath the desk. Take another glass from the desk. Examine the analysis equipment onthe desk. Open both of the glasses in your inventory. Combine both of the plantsamples. Put the combined samples in one of the glasses. Place the filled glasson the small desk. One thing is sure.. for some reason the experiment has failed!

Try to open the drawer of thedesk. Examine the huge ant in the glass jar on the red book. Examine the openedbook. Examine the orange documents. Examine the file folders. Read the note atthe bottom of the monitor.

Try to take the piece of bone fromthe cage. Examine the plan on the door of the cage. Take the dog leash. Walk tothe right. Search the ice chest to get a juicy steak. Put it in the empty sampleglass. Walk to the left. Place the meat in jar in the right cage. Take the pieceof bone from the left cage.

Walk to the right. Take the tubeand the hose of the vacuum cleaner. Try to open the flap of the vacuum cleaner.Use the piece of bone to get it opened. Examine the inside of the opened flap toget the vacuum cleaner bag. Search the bag to get the animal hair. Combine the tube with the dogleash.

Walk to the left a little. Smashthe hatch above you with the leash with pipe. Try to climb through the openedhatch. Use the leash with pipe on the hatch. Climb up to the hatch. Notice the two little pipes on theroof of the train. Put the animal hair in the right pipe. Place the hose on thetwo pipes. Take the leash with pipe. Attach it to the two pipes. Enter theopened window. Phew.. that was close!

Take the flower vase from the socket.Examine the books in the book case. Examine the portrait of Lenin. Examine thedesk once more. Pick the lock of the drawer with the barrette. Open the drawer. Take the statuefrom the drawer. Zoom out. Take the skull from the skeleton. Place the statue onthe socket where the vase has been standing. Turn it to the left once.

Notice that there are four ofthese little statues in the room. Turn them all so that they are all facing the sameway good old Lenin is looking. Yep.. to theleft. This opens a secret compartment behind Lenin's portrait. Enter the secretcompartment which turns out to be a torture room.Examine the painting. Examine the flap at the left wall. Examine the torturechair. Take the book from the chair. Exit the torture room. Place the book on theempty spot of the right book case. Re-enter the torture room. Notice that theflap in the wall is opened. Place the skull in the niche. Examine the safe. Youhave to click the lamps in a correct order to turn all the lamps off. Here isthe correct order.

The correct order

When you open the safe of courseyou take what's inside. However there is a minor problem. Before you finishreading the documents a bomb goes off. The train derails and you'll looseconscience and wake up later in the hospital..

Russia, Hospital

Talk to Oleg. Take the textilebag. Examine the hospital. Search the shrub at the left side of the gate to getsome red berries. Take some of the redberries. Examine the red berries. Put the red berries in the textile bag.Examine the dirty bag. Hand the dirty bag over to Oleg. Examine the intercomnext to the gate. Press the button of the intercom. Examine the ambulance behind thegate to get it's phone number. Click with the cell phone on yourself. Try to call Nina. Call theambulance.

Take the surgery pliers from thecontainer. Search the container. Examine the key shaped shadow on the ground.Examine the lamp to find out that a key is hidden in the lamp. Use the surgerypliers to get the key out of the lamp. Unlock the door with the key. Open thedoor. Examine thebottles on the shelf. Examine the wheelchair. Examine the dictation machine onthe bed. Examine the opened file drawer. Take the handheld fan from the filecabinet.

Take a bottle of anesthetic fromthe shelves at the right side of the room. Open the door at the back wall of theroom. Examine the bloody swabs on the floor. Examine the bloody sheet. Examinethe bucket. Take the bottle of ammonia gas from the shelf at the left wall. Take thestethoscope from the right surgery table. Take thesyringe and the scalpel from the sink. Examine the X-Ray images on the rightwall. Try to exitthrough the door to the right.

Use the stethoscope on that door.Once you know what's behind the door you can safely enter it. Try to close thedoor close to you to the right. Look at the wedge under this safety door. Leaveit alone for now but remember this wedged door! Try to open the center door.Examine the TV. Well.. there is nothing to do here without being seen by the guard who iswatching TV. So open the brown door to the left and walk all the way outside.

Use the stethoscope on the rainpipe. Use the bottle of ammonia gas on the rain pipe. Use the handheld fan onthe rain pipe. Once you have woken Nina the two of you can interact with eachother! Notice the little image of Nina which appeared at the bottom at the rightside of the screen. Click on the image of Nina to switch over to her.

Examine the broken chair. Try totake the chair leg. Pick up the small stone from the floor next to the rat hole.Examine the crack in the wall. Examine the crocheted place mat on the mattress. Take the crocheted place mat from the mattress. Examine the mattress. Take thebowl. Use the crocheted place mat on the crack in the wall. Combine the smallstone with the thread. Put the tied-up stone down the drain. Switch over to Max.

Put the scalpel in the rainpipe. Switch over to Nina.

Use the scalpel on the chair leg.Use the scalpel on the mattress. Throw the chair leg down the drain. Throw thefoam down the drain. Switch over to Max.

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Put the syringe in the chair leg.Put the blowgun in the bottle of anesthetic. Walk to the left. Examine the ambulance.Examine thesatellite dish. Use the surgery pliers to.. adjust the satellite dish. Nowremember the wedge under the safety door. Re-enter the asylum. Head back to theroom where the guard has been watching TV. Take the wedge from under the door toclose it once and for all. Now that TV-watching guy starts making a hell of anoise outside! Use the poisoned blowgun on the peephole of the safety door. Walktowards the TV. Use the foam on the dish next to the TV. Examine the pinboard.Take a tack from the pinboard. Exit the room through the brown door to the left.Walk outside and towards the rain pipe. Send the cheesy foam and the chair legup to Nina. Switch over to Nina.

Combine the cheesy foam with thefiber. Combine the bowl with the chair leg. Put the cheesy foam in the rat trap.Place the rat trap with bait on the floor in front of the rat hole. Take the rattrap. Send the rat down the drain. Switch over to Max.

Enter the door and walk to themain hall with the TV. Go up the stairs to the right. Combine the anestheticwith the tack. Place the rat on the guard. Put the poisoned tack on the chair.Go up the stairs once more. Search the guard to find the key of Nina's prisondoor. Use the key to open the door..

Russia, Tunguska

Search the jeep. Take the greenfirst aid kid. Take the sachet of ketchup. Examine the garbage. Zoom out.Examine the first aid kit which turns out to be a real Russian first aid!Examine the reindeer. Examine the water basin. Examine the huge barrel. Enterthe entry of the tent. Talk to the man on the bed, Evenk. Take the cup from the lognext to the bed.

Examine the fireplace. Examine thesnippets of parchment in the fireplace. Take the grate from the fireplace. Tryto pick up the snippets of parchment from the fireplace. Tryto take the nutcracker from the wooden cabinet. Take the wooden spoon from thewooden cabinet. Take the scissors from the pole at the right side. Examine thetassels hanging down from the ceiling to get a twine. Exit the tent to the left.

Take the spade from the backsideof the jeep. Walk to the right. Examine the big crate. Walk a little further tothe right. Examine the tree. Use thespade on the tree to chop some of the bark from the tree. Pick up the bark. Useyour cup to get some resin from the tree. Use the spade on the crate. Pick upthe destroyed crate. Walk to the left towards the reindeer.

Put the bark in the water basin.Pull the plug out of the barrel. Take some water from the water basin with thecup. Walk to the right and walk past the tree. Pick up the pointed stone. Usethe spade on the gentian. Place the grate over the smoking hole in the ground.Place the cup on the grate. Take back the cup and the grate.

Sharpen your scissors with the pointedstone. Walk back to the drinking reindeer. Use the scissors to get some of it'shair. Combine the twine with the reindeer hair. Combine the wisp of hair with the woodenspoon. Enter the tent once more.

Dip the brush in the cup. Use thebrush with resin on the snippets of parchment in the fireplace. Give the recipeto the old man. Place the vial in the nutcracker. Put the gentian in thenutcracker. Take the vial from the nutcracker.

Add a few drops of vodka to thevial. Add the sachet of ketchup to the vial. Exit the tent. Dip the vial in thewater basin. Re-enter the tent. Put the debris from a crate in the fireplace.Place the grate over the fireplace. Place the vial on the grate. Set thefireplace in fire with your matches. Take the vial and give it to the old man.

Enter the house. Examine theprojector. Take the rag from the broken cabinet. Examine the chimney. Take thealuminum foil from the bottom left part of the chimney. You have to look veryclosely to find it! Examine the inside of the chimney. Zoom out and exit the house.

Examine the swamp at the rightside of the house. Walk to the left side of the house. Examine the generator.Examine the coil of the generator. Take the oil lamp from the right pole of thelittle barn. Examine thetanker. Pick up the hose infront of the tanker. Walk the path up. Walk the other path the way up. Examine the research station.Examine the island down the river. Walk back onthe path to the right.

Examine the truck wreck. Examinethe wheel rim to get two nuts. Examine the tank at the bottom of the truck. Attach the hose tothe tank. Use the bottle of vodka with the tank. Walk the path to the right.Fill the generator with the bottle filled with diesel fuel. Use the nuts with the coilof the generator to magnetize them. Walk back to the house.

Before you enter the house, cleanthe right outside window with the rag. Enter the house. Combine the rag with theoil lamp. Examine the chimney once more. Clean the inside wall of the chimneywith the saturated rag. Light the oil lamp with the box of matches. Read thenumbers on the back wall of the chimney. It reads 71/2 - 3 - 101/2 - 6. Zoomout.

Look at the compass at the rightside of the chimney. Place one nut at the left metal peg, west side. Place theother nut at the bottom peg, south side. Press the center button of the pointer.Take back both of the nuts.
Place one of the nuts on the rightmetal peg, east side. Press the center button of the pointer. Take back the nut.
Place one of the nuts on the uppermetal peg, north side. Place the other nut on the left metal peg, west side.Press the center button of the pointer. Take back both of the nuts.
Place one of the nuts on thebottom peg, south side. Press the center button of the pointer.

If you have donethis correctly, a secret compartment above the fireplace opens. Search theopened compartment to get a film reel. Place the film reel on the projector. Operate theprojector. Darn.. the light bulb is burnt out. Pick up the glass shard from thefloor behind your back. Combine it with the aluminum foil. Place it in theprojector. Finally operate the projector. Phew.. that was close again!

Cuba, Asylum

Examine the painter's easel. Talkto the gate keeper. Ask him about everything you can. Enter the asylum throughthe brown opened front door. Examine the dancing nurse behind the counter. Askher about everything you can. Examine the poster on the wall. Take a newspaperfrom the magazine stand. Read the newspaper.

Walk down the passage. Take theglasses from the table. Examine the record player. Try to switch it off. Examinethe painting behind the record player. Examine the stuffed animals.Examine the teddy bear. Try to take the teddy bear. Read the list on the wallnext to the stuffed animals. Examine the white canvas. Talk to the patient. Askhim about everything you can. Examine the house of cards. Try to take a cardfrom the house of cards. Exit the room.

Try to walk the passage to theleft. Exit the asylum. Walk through the gate with the Ernesto Che Guervaraportrait. Read the two notes next to the left door. Examine the speakers high upon the wall. Examine the container. Take some logs from the stack of wood. Talkto the worker sitting on a chair. Ask him about everything you can. Examine thejackhammer. Try to pick it up.

Enter the opened door to thekitchen. Look at the dirty dishes on the table. Take the meat fork. Take anunion hanging down from the pole. Take the sausage tongs hanging on the leftside of the right rack. Take a soup ladle from the rack. Examine the stove. Takethe weights form the table with the copper scale. Put the two logs in thestove. Add the newspaper to the logs. Use the glasses to set them on fire. Exitthe kitchen.

Talk to the worker. Re-enter thekitchen. Take the charred log out of the stove with the sausage tongs. Head backto the gate keeper. Talk to him once more and ask him about everything you can.Give him the charred log. Ask him about the portrait of Sabrina. Enter the asylum. Enter the room with the house ofcards building patient. Place the weights on the record player. Head back to thegate keeper. Talk to him and ask him about the portrait of the dancing nurseSabrina. Just wait sixty minutes to receive the painting.

Enter the asylum once more. Showthe wrapped portrait to the nurse. Exit the asylum. Walk back to the kitchen.Enter the kitchen. Put the plastic bag in the stove. Hmmm.. I wonder whatthis has done to the card house! Take another charred logout of the stove with your sausage tongs. Exit the kitchen. Try to talk to the workeronce more.

Head back to the room with thehouse of cards building patient. Try to pick up a card from the floor. Take the teddy bear. Put the portrait of Sabrinaon the copier. Exit the room. Give the copied pictures to the nurse.

Go through the opened gate.Examine the head at the back wall of the corridor. Examine the two green doorsat the left side of the corridor. Try to open the brown door to the left. Enterthe green door to the right. Examine the blood stains on the floor. Examine thetiles that fell out of the left wall. Examine the scratches on the wall abovethe tiles. Examine the bed to find an article in the local paper. Zoom out.Examine the bed once more. Examine the surveillance camera at the ceiling. Headback to the dancing nurse.

Talk to the nurse and tell herabout Perez's cell. Ask her about the surveillance camera. Exit the asylum. Walkthrough the gate once more. You'll see Ramon dumping something into thecontainer and how he goes inside again. Examine the door frame next to thatdoor. Try to open the door. Great.. it only opens from the inside. Stab theportrait of Sabrina with the meat fork. Stick the skewered portrait on the doorframe.

Open the door. Try to open thesafe. Examine the VCR. Examine the surveillance monitors. Try to open the doorto the left. Examine the picturenext to the door. Yep.. it has the correct code for the safe. It tells you thatthere is a one legged pirate with a cat on his shoulder, a parrot on the cat anda spider in the upper corner. Could this mean that the correct code is: pirate,cat, parrot and spider? Of course not.. as you have seen earlier the codeexists of digits. Now think Nina.. think!!! Think about how many legs each and every creature has. Aone legged pirate (1), a cat (4), a parrot (2) and a spider (8)! Examine thesafe once more and punch in the code 1428. Put the video tape in the VCR.

Examine the cave. Talk to Perezand ask him about everything you can. Go down the stairs to the left. Walkthrough the gate. Take the skewered portrait from the door frame. Walk back tothe beach. Give the portrait of Sabrina to Perez. Also give him the charred log.

Ireland, Pub

Examine the traffic sign. Examinethe parked motorcycle. Take theflag hanging outside the pub. Examine the board in front of the pub. Cross theroad and take the sign. Enter the pub. Look at the chimney. Talk to thebarkeeper and ask him about everything you can. Talk to the sleeping guest. Take the tumbler from the tablewith the sleeping guest. Try to take the key that is hanging on the pole of thebar. Exit the pub.

Go down the wooden stairs acrossthe street. Pick up the stone from the ground. Take a fish from the bucket nextto the fisherman. Examine the empty bottles. Talk to the fisherman and ask himabout everything you can. Examine the seawater. Put the flag in the seawater. Fillthe tumbler with seawater. Examine the boat. Walk up the stairs and enter the pub.

Put the fish on the sign. Placethe fish on sign in the chimney. Try to take the fish on baking sheet out ofthe chimney. Ouch! Use the wet flag to take it. Give the fried fish on sign tothe sleeping guest. Talk to the sleeping guest. Talk to the barkeeper and ask him about everything youcan once more.Exit the pub.

Place the wet flag over thetraffic sign. Re-enter the pub. Wait a little while.. Exit the pub and search the crate on the road to get a lemon. Don't forget to remove the wet flag fromthe traffic sign to avoid any further accidents! Re-enter the pub. Give thelemon to the barkeeper. Try to take that damned key from the pole once more! Place thetumbler filled with seawater in the chimney. Take the tumbler out of thechimney. Examine the tumbler. Put the salt in the barkeeper's tumbler. Poorguy.. Take the key from the pole. Try to take the barkeeper's tumbler.

Head back to the fisherman. Fill thetumbler with seawater once more. Open the door of the storage room of the pub with thekey. Enter the storage room. Grab a bottle of whiskey. Examine the bench vice.Take the torch from the buttress. Walk to the right and examine the barrels.Exit the storage room. Give the bottle of whiskey to the fisherman. Step in theboat to set course to the Island with the castle.

Ireland, Castle

Talk to Lord Morangie in the well.Take the sword sticking in theground next to the well. Try to close the shutter of the window at the leftside. Enter the upper passage. Enter the first door to the right to enter thebedroom. Examine the white statue. Examine the pictures on the wall behind thestatue. Look through the window. Examine the commode to find not only a lot of uselessstuff but also a gold coin. Examine the gold coin. Examine the bed.

Place the shutter on the statue.Place the sword on the statue. Walk towards the huge curtain at the right wall.Examine the pictures on the wall. Move the curtain. Enter the passage behind thecurtain. Walk to the left and examine the niche in the wall. Examine thedrawbridge. Exit the cellar.

Exit the bedroom. While standingin the corridor examine the right candle holder. Take the wire on top of thecandle holder. Enter the passage to the right to enter the torture room. Examinethe iron maiden. Take the iron chain next to the iron maiden. Examine the cagewith the skeleton. Examine the rack. Pick up the pliers from the floor near theleft wall of the room. Examine the fireplace. Exit the torture room.

Enter the passage at the end ofthe corridor to go outside. Enter the door to the right to enter the study.Examine the chimney. Examine the chair. Examine the chandelier. Examine the huge painting above the desk.On this painting you can see how you have to dress the statue in the bedroom.Notice that you still have to add a helmet, an amulet, a ring and leg protectorsto the statue. Zoom out. Examine the clock.Go up the little stairs. Take the oil lamp from the table at the left side of the stairs. Takethe spearheads from the show case at the left side of the room. Examine thebooks. Move the huge lever that is sticking out of the wall. Go down the stairsand exit the study.

Enter the passage to the right.Try to open the coffin. Use the oil lamp on the coffin. Light your torch withthe burning torch on the wall. Use the burning torch on the coffin. Examine theopening at the head of the coffin. Exit theroom. Enter the upper passage. Enter the passage to the right. Light thefireplace with the burning torch. Combine the pliers with the gold coin. Put thepliers with gold coin in the fireplace. Put the pliers with red-hot gold coin inthe iron maiden. Put the pliers with red-hot gold ring in the tumbler withwater. Exit the torture room.

Enter the door to the right. Placethe gold ring on the statue. Go past the opened curtain to the right once more.Walk to the left. Take the key out of the niche. Examine the gate at the leftside. Exit the cellar. Exit the bedroom. Enter the passage at the end of thecorridor. Walk to the boat. Step into the boat for a little side tour back tothe storage room of the pub.

Enter the opened door of thestorage room. Walk to the right. Use the pliers on the wooden board in front ofthe barrels. Try to walk outside with the huge board. Re-enter the storage room.Pick up the board next to the door. Put the spearheads in the bench vice. Placethe long board on the spearheads. Exit the storage room. Go up the stairs. Pickup the piece of rain gutter that has fallen off the roof of the pub. Walk backto the boat. Step in the boat to return to the castle.

Enter the upper passage. Enter thepassage to the right. Put the rain gutter on the rack. Take the two pieces ofrain gutter from the rack. Exit the torture room. Enter the door to the right.Place the two pieces of rain gutter on the statue. Walk past the opened curtainonce more. Walk all the way to the left. Darn.. another locked gate! Exit thecellar. Exit the bedroom. Enter the passage at the end of the corridor.

Enter the door to the right. Putthe board on the stool in front of the chimney. Put the rock on the board. Go upthe little stairs. Move the huge lever once more that is sticking out of thewall.. Go down the stairs. Exit the study. Pick up the chimney cover next tothe well. Enter the upper passage. Enter the door to the right. Place thechimney cover on the statue. Enter the passage behind the curtain once more.Walk all the way to the left. Try to open the circular door.

Exit the cellar. Exit the bedroom.Enter the passage at the end of the corridor. Enter the passage to the right.Put the golden key in the opening at the head of the coffin. Take the amuletfrom the skeleton. Combine the wire with the amulet. Combine the chain with theamulet with wire. Exit the room. Enter the upper passage. Enter the door to theright. Put the amulet on a chain on the statue. Enter the passage behind thecurtain once more. Walk all the way to the left and open the circular door.

China, caves

Read the message in yourinventory. Notice the three holes in the wall. Take the skull from the pole.Walk down the passage to the left. Examine the relief at the back wall. Examinethe skeleton down the waterfall. Examine the huge rock next to you. Use the pegon the rock. Take the bag out of the water. Open the bag. Enter the passage tothe right. Put the bone in the bottom hole in the wall.

Enter the passage to the left.Enter the upper cave. Examine the symbols on the left wall. Examine the reliefat the left side and at the right side. Examine the head of stone. Read the message in your inventory andpage to the last page. Make a note of the drawing. Examine thestone slab beneath the head of stone. Your goal is to reproduce the drawing withthe stone slab. Here is an image of what you have to make of it. When you havedone this correctly a compartment above the stone head open. Take the stone diskfrom the compartment. Zoom out..

Secret Files Tunguska Game

The stone slab set correctly

Antarctica, Station

Examine the bathtub. Examine thecamera on top of the bathtub. Take the plunger from the shower cabin at theright side of the room. Take thetoilet paper from the sink at the left side of the room. Enter the door to theleft. Search the opened armoire to get a tapper, a piece of something and silicon. Take the metal plate. Take the key from the box nextto the door. Try to unlock the door with the key.

Put the piece of something in thebench vice. Combine the bent piece of something with the key. Put the metalplate on the drill. Operate the drill. Put the toilet paper on the metal plateon the drill. Operate the drill once more. Heat the piece of metal and key with the burning toiletpaper. Use the piece of metal and hot key to unlock the door.

Open the door. Enter the room withthe red glow to the left. Examine the control panel. Examine the VCR. Open thearmoire with the number 42 at the left side to get an explosive. Exit the control room. Walk down the stairs at theright side of the circular room. Examine the machine with the red blinkinglights. Press the switch of the elevator. Examine the platform of the elevator.Take the fishing rod.

Walk up the stairs to the left.Use the fishing rod on the platform down below. Use the fishing rod once more onthe platform. Climb down the stairs once more. Follow the sign Exit ->. Pickup the bucket. Examine the forest of antennas at the right side. Leave the areato the right. Examine the harpoon of the boat. Examine the barrel on the deck.Put the laundry ball in the barrel.

Notice the jacket hanging at theleft side of the steering cabin. Search the jacket to get a hip flask. Examine thefrozen hole in the ice.Try to open it. Walk to the left to the station. Leave the area to the left. Examine thepenguin. Take the warning sign at the right side. Examine the hole in the groundit leaves behind. Leave it alone for now but remember that you can find it here!

Look down the crevasse. Examinethe dead man. Examine the precipice. Zoom out. Go to the left to the station.Enter the station. Go up the stairs to the left. Drop the laundry ball in whaleoil on the platform down below. Go down the stairs. Fill the bucket with thesalt pile. Follow the sign Exit -> once more. Leave the area to the right.Use the bucket of salt on the frozen hole in the ice.

Walk all the way to the left. Putthe explosive in the hole where the warning sign has been. Go down the crevasse.Search the dead man to get his lighter, an amulet and his diary. Examine thediary. Go back up. Walk to the left to the station. Enter thestation. Go up the stairs to the left. Enter the door at the center of thegangway near the keypad. Examine the incubator. Put the plunger on theincubator. Use the amulet on the incubator to get a strange egg.

Put the hip flask on the drill.Operate the drill to separate the cork from the flask. Exit through the door to the left. Climb down the stairs.Follow the sign Exit ->. Leave the area to the right. Examine the hole in theice. Use the fishing rod on the hole in the ice. Attach the lighter to thefishing rod. Do some fishing once more.

Head all the way back to thepenguin. Give the fish to the penguin. Examine the egg it was breeding on. Tryto pick up the egg. Exchange the metal egg with the real egg. Head back into the station. Place themetal egg in the red blinking machine. Go up the stairs to the left. Enter thecenter door once more. Enter the door to the right. Put the cork in the drain ofthe bathtub. Turn the faucet open to fill the bathtub.

Enter the door to the left. Exitthe room by the door to the left. Go down the stairs. Take the egg from thegreen blinking machine. Go up the stairs to the left. Enter the center door oncemore. Enter the door to the right. Take the VHS tape from the camera above thefrozen bathtub. Enter the door to the left. Exit the room by the left door.

Enter the control room with thered glow to the left once more. Put the VHS tape in the VCR. Open your diaryto read the number 2513 on the keypad at the railing near the central room. Exitthe control room. Use the keypad near the central room and punch in the code2513. Cross the newly appeared gangway. Open the door of the central room.

Examine the radar. Search theopened crate on the floor to get a beacon and a box of matches. Enter the door tothe right. Go down the stairs. Follow the sign Exit ->. Leave the area to the right. Put the beacon inthe harpoon. Dip the beacon in the barrel. Put the beacon in the harpoon..

Step into the elevator next toyou. Try to open the valve of the huge radiator. Examine the huge radiator tofind out that it is cold. Use the warning sign with theicicle on the ceiling in front of the big circular door. Examine the big circular door. Open the door to the left.Take the wrench from the barrel. Examine the barrel. Read the danger sign.Attach the icicle to the hanging chain. Grab the chain and attach it to the pipeat the right wall of the room. Pick up the fallen nut from the floor. Exit theroom.

Use the tapper on the valve of theradiator. Put the nut on the valve. Use the wrench on the valve. Attach thewarning sign to the wrench. Use the extended wrench on the valve. Examine theradiator to find out that it is gurgling and cold. Enter the door to the left once more. Use the silicon on the dangersign. Examine the mold you just made. Exit the room. Hold the mold in front of the camera above the radiator.Examine the radiator once more to find out that there is enough water in it nowbut that it still is not heating up. Hold your lighter in front of the camera.

Give the iron egg to Oleg. Talk toMassimo. Toss your cell phone into the machine. Grab the camera above you. Pointthe camera to the crane above you..

The End..

GameBoomers Walkthroughs and Solutions